Ministry of Youth Development and National Service

Military-Led Academic Training Programme


The Military-Led Academic Training Programme is the only Social Intervention Programme that is specifically designed to help at-risk young men, aged 16-20 years, transform their lives and achieve academic success.

Brief introduction

The MILAT Programme deliverables envisage the positive behaviour modification of students whilst they pursue Academic development in a quasi-military environment, producing individuals, who are well adjusted, disciplined, responsible and who possess positive social values and attitudes; that are complemented with a full certification in the Caribbean Examinations Council and exposure to some degree of elective skills with the ability to pursue higher levels of education and training…

Take a quick view of our introductory video

Are you a graduate Cadet or a former Trainee of the
Military-Led Academic Training Programme?

The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Unit, of the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS), is conducting a Tracer Study on the MiLAT Programme to learn about how the Programme has impacted YOU.

We invite you to complete a brief survey to share your feedback with us so that we can improve the Programme even better!

Academic Certification

Attend classes in Mathematics, English Language, Physical Education, Life Skills, Social Studies, Human and Social Biology, Music, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Visual and the Performing Arts and Computer Studies.

Cadets who are assessed by the Curriculum Administrator as needing extra help with coursework attend Remedial classes.

Cadets also learn valuable study and exam skills, so they may confidently and successfully sit the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC) exams in their chosen subjects.

Home Page

Character Development

Every one of our Cadets benefits from evaluations, Religious Instructions, counselling and mentorship from qualified, experienced personnel, and active participation in a variety of planned social events and field trips.

We also train our Cadets in a variety of para-military skills, including Foot Drill, Physical Training, First Aid, Land Navigation, CPR, Survival Training and Life Saving.

Our Cadets also learn to care for the less fortunate and the environment by participating in various Community Service and Environmental Projects.

They learn to grow their own produce through Agriculture, Pisciculture and prepare their own food during their Culinary Duties.

Financial Assistance

The MiLAT Programme is a social intervention Programme that is fully sponsored and funded by the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service.

As a result, our service is free to all applicants who are accepted and successfully enrolled in the MiLAT Programme.

In addition, for each day that a MiLAT Cadet successfully remains enrolled in the Programme, he receives a stipend.

At the end of each calendar month, an enrolled MiLAT Cadet may collect his month’s worth of stipend payments.