Positive Mentorship
MiLAT provides a Safe, Structured and Regulated setting within which at-risk young men interact with Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force personnel and non-military professionals, benefit from positive mentorship and reinforcement, and receive assistance rebuilding their ambitions, hopes and dreams.
MiLAT’s ultimate goal is to help our Cadets:
- Develop a Positive Character
- Learn and enhance their Vocational and para-military Training Skills
- Attain their Academic Certification in an alternative environment, in order to improve their chances of attaining a better quality of life

Academic Instruction
During their 2-year tenure at MiLAT, Cadets attend classes and receive instruction in the following academic subjects (not a complete listing):
Mathematics, English Language, Physical Education, Life Skills, Computer Studies, Human and Social Biology, Music, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Social Studies, Religious Instruction and Remedial Reading (if needed).
Character Development
In addition to attending classes, Cadets must participate in ONE activity for a prescribed number of hours each academic year, as determined by MiLAT staff members. The activity may be any of the following:
1. Community Service
2. Environmental Projects
3. Culinary Duties
4. Agriculture
5. Pisciculture (Fish Farming)